14 Reseñas
Las Body Geometry Footbeds cuentan con un diseño ergonómico científicamente probado…
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Las Body Geometry Footbeds cuentan con un diseño ergonómico científicamente probado que permite aumentar la potencia, resistencia y comodidad ya que optimiza la alineación cadera, rodilla, pie.
Body Geometry Footbeds have been scientifically proven to increase power and reduce injury by aligning hip, knee, and foot.
Customized longitudinal arch and metatarsal support with Red+, Blue++, or Green+++ contour.
Proprietary lightweight foam avoids taking a compression set for long-lasting performance.
Combine Body Geometry shoes, footbeds, and wedges to maximize performance benefits.
Red + :Support for low arch height (Closest option to stock footbeds)
Blue ++ :Support for medium arch height (Best fit for most riders)
Green +++ :Support for high arch height
14 Reseñas