The road reaches out, twisting its switchback arms to embrace the mountain in front of you. You start the climb and work yourself into a rhythm. Settle in. This is the feeling you’ve been looking for. It’s strange to think of anything beyond a four-walled structure as being home, but out here in this moment, riding up a mountain with your lungs burning and legs tapping out a steady pace, this is where you live. Potholes, rumble strips, broken and agitated tarmac—these are the rude, unsolicited interruptions at your front door. And we designed the Ruby to be the polite “thanks but no thanks” that turns them away. It’s a bike that can help you get to the No Place Like Home state, and while this would be the perfect opportunity to talk about how it does that (link below), we’re more interested in this idea of home on the bike, and of what that means to different people.
On rides, you can find your heart and your courage. Out there, you can still your mind and find peace, comfort, and contentment. So the question is, what’s your idea of home when you ride? Are you a “Full House”-er, preferring the Sunday Skwod to the Sunday solo ride? Or maybe you’re more “A Prairie Home Companion” kind of rider, trying to get lost so you can find something new, and maybe yourself in the process? When you click the heels of your road shoes three times, where will you be?