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S-Works Power with Mirror

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La tecnología S-works Power con Mirror es el reflejo perfecto de tu cuerpo. Estamos redefiniendo la comodidad y el rendimiento con la tecnología Mirror para llevar el Body Geometry al futuro. La última gran innovación en materia de diseño de sillines fue ya hace décadas con la introducción de la espuma. Para desarrollar el sillín de la siguiente generación, tuvimos que mirar más allá de esa espuma y desarrollar una tecnología de siguiente generación. El sillín S-Works Power con Mirror es el futuro. Desarrollamos la tecnología Mirror mediante impresión 3D a partir de un polímero líquido para reflejar perfectamente tu anatomía. Este proceso revolucionario crea una estructura de panal compleja que nos permite ajustar infinitamente la densidad del material de una manera imposible con la espuma. El resultado es un complejo entramado geométrico con más de 14.000 puntos de apoyo y 7.799 nodos, cada uno de los cuales puede adapatarse independientemente en todo el sillín.

Rider Reviews

  • 4.7
  • 97 Reviews

Best saddle for me

Was keen to get the mirror tech on my bike. The short nose was the best fit for me. The other two longer saddle shapes didn't suite me. Love this saddle. Can ride for hours without sacrificing comfort nor weight.

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Mike B.


Excellent saddle BUT...

..... I wish now coming up on three years that I had purchased the Power Pro with Mirror. The Pro has hollow Titanium rails and weighs 245 grams. The SW Power with mirror has carbon fiber rails and weighs 190 grams. The big caveat is that Specialized in the fine print for carbon fiber rails recommends that the saddle be replaced every three years for rider safety. The hollow Titanium has no such problem. Unless that extra 55 grams (2 ounces) is critical save yourself $150 and have a saddle good for more than three years. So I've knocked my rating down to two stars due to lack of durability.



Great until it wasn't

I purchased this saddle in May 2021. I loved it - it was the first saddle where I had no saddle sore issues (even though previous saddle was the same model but not with the Mirror technology). Recently, I noticed the saddle beginning to deteriorate, so I reached out to Specialized to see if I could warranty given that the saddle only had 15K miles and was well cared for. They declined, saying that their warranty was only for 2 years. A quick search of the internet confirmed that this is a known issue for these saddles. My takeaway was that specialized only expects these to last for a short time, even with the super premium price. So buy if you don't mind a saddle with an extremely short service life.





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Robert W.


Brilliant saddle

A brilliant saddle. I thought about this one for about a year. High price and concerns it may be gimmicky but definitely most comfortable saddle I’ve ever had and given it’s such a critical part of enjoying a ride and the life you’ll get out of one of these it’s a very fair price. Grips bibs really well which some like and some don’t. For me I am rapt I got it.

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Michael W.


Disappointed with mayor soreness

I’ve been experiencing minor saddle soreness so I got a bike fit and got told my correct size was 155. My current saddle was 155 so I decided to go for the SWORKS power mirror due to all the hype. Unfortunately this went from bad to worse, the soreness y unbearable from the moment I sit on the saddle the pain and discomfort. I double checked the bike fit as well as slightly modified the saddle height and location and still the soreness and chafing continues. I have gone to a Specialized retailer to double check the saddle width and 155 still remains the “correct” width. I am extremely disappointed as this was a very expensive saddle and it feels worse than the original power saddle the bike came with.

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Pain is Gone

The saddle is comfortable for the long ride, and the saddle sore is gone.

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Nan D.


Great seat!

Great seat!

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Joshua B.


Super sweet, super expensive, super nice

3d printing is not a hype. It is better than any version of foam that I’ve tried. It is expensive, we don’t exactly know the durability but the comfort is noticible. So far, durability is good on my road bike. What’s not to like about an all carbon, 3d printed saddle and virtually 0 weight as a crown for your sweet ride.. If you have the cash, give it a go. They may make a TI rail version one day like they did for the Romeo one day, wait on that if the price is out of reach.

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Jonathan D.



This is a really awsome saddle. Paired with my 2022 Roubaix Sport and I am so comfortable its crazy.

