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    2022 S-Works Aethos Frameset

    5 500,00 €

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    Nechápte nás zle, máme radi preteky. Vrcholy Grand Tour, monumenty klasiky - to je…

    2022 Gran Fondo Awards

    2022 Gran Fondo Awards

    The riders have spoken. We are proud to announce that Specialized was crowned #1 again for best drop bar bike brand in the prestigious Gran Fondo Best Brand Awards for 2022. When we focus on what our riders want the most, it makes sense that our bikes are loved year after year.

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    Nechápte nás zle, máme radi preteky. Vrcholy Grand Tour, monumenty klasiky - to je naša DNA. Niekedy však jazdíme jednoducho preto, aby sme jazdili, jazdíme z lásky k jazde samotnej, a to je to, čo potrebujeme. Je to presne to, čím Aethos žije. Iste, na výkonnosti sme mu nič neubrali a zhodou okolností je to najľahší rám na trhu, ale bez kompromisov v štýle. Aethos: Miliardy výpočtov v snahe dosiahnuť jediné - dokonalú jazdu.

    A s touto rámovou sadou máte dokonalé plátno, na ktorom môžete začať vytvárať svoju jazdu snov.

    • The Aethos frame has been designed with the perfect combination of ultimate ride feel, light weight, and style—from accelerating up steep pitches and descending technical descents, to all-day saddle comfort on even the longest coffee rides, the Aethos hits the mark. But how, you ask? By reinventing the traditional road shape found on bikes of the past, we’ve subtly altered these shapes to deliver massive gains in stiffness and balance, all without affecting weight or durability. Pair that with an entirely new layup and process that we’ve perfected over multiple decades and you have the lightest frame out there (585 grams, S-Works, size 56cm). The Aethos is more than just a new bike, it’s the first of a new breed.

    • The Aethos frame has been designed with the perfect combination of ultimate ride feel, light weight, and style—from accelerating up steep pitches and descending technical descents, to all-day saddle comfort on even the longest coffee rides, the Aethos hits the mark. But how, you ask? By reinventing the traditional road shape found on bikes of the past, we’ve subtly altered these shapes to deliver massive gains in stiffness and balance, all without affecting weight or durability. Pair that with an entirely new layup and process that we’ve perfected over multiple decades and you have the lightest frame out there (585 grams, S-Works, size 56cm). The Aethos is more than just a new bike, it’s the first of a new breed.

    • A featherweight frame is useless without confidence-inspiring ride characteristics, which is why we’ve developed the Aethos to have the perfect balance of front and rear stiffness combined with exceptional ride quality. By studying the flexing and breathing of carbon fiber, we were able to discover groundbreaking findings about how forces flow through frames. Just a few pedal strokes and you’ll realize this sublime ride sets a new standard.

    • A featherweight frame is useless without confidence-inspiring ride characteristics, which is why we’ve developed the Aethos to have the perfect balance of front and rear stiffness combined with exceptional ride quality. By studying the flexing and breathing of carbon fiber, we were able to discover groundbreaking findings about how forces flow through frames. Just a few pedal strokes and you’ll realize this sublime ride sets a new standard.

    Technické špecifikácie

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    Rámová sada


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    Roval Alpinist Carbon Seatpost

    Sedlová objímka

    Specialized Alloy, 30.0mm, titanium bolt

    *Hmotnosti sú založené na výrobe natretých rámov, ako je zobrazené na obrázku. Skutočné hmotnosti sa budú líšiť v závislosti na farebnom prevedení, veľkosti rámu a variácii komponentov. Špecifikácie sa môžu zmeniť bez predchádzajúceho upozornenia.


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    Seatpost Length300mm300mm360mm360mm360mm360mm
    Head Tube Length109mm120mm137mm157mm184mm204mm
    Head Tube Angle71.75°72.5°73°73.5°73.5°74°
    BB Height266mm266mm268mm268mm268mm268mm
    BB Drop74mm74mm72mm72mm72mm72mm
    Fork Length, Full369mm369mm369mm369mm369mm369mm
    Fork Rake/Offset47mm47mm44mm44mm44mm44mm
    Front Center574mm577mm579mm591mm606mm613mm
    Chainstay Length410mm410mm410mm410mm410mm410mm
    Top Tube Length, Horizontal508mm531mm540mm562mm577mm595mm
    Bike Standover Height705mm728mm748mm769mm796mm824mm
    Seat Tube Length431mm462mm481mm504mm532mm567mm
    Seat Tube Angle75.5°74°74°73.5°73.5°73°

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