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S-Works Stumpjumper EVO je oveľa viac než len trailový bicykel: je to stroj stvorený…
S-Works Stumpjumper EVO je oveľa viac než len trailový bicykel: je to stroj stvorený na jazdu na tých najdrsnejších trailoch. Vďaka úplne novému dizajnu s nastaviteľným uhlom hlavovej trubky, 150 mm zdvihu vyladeného na výkon a prispôsobivosti S-Sizing je tento bajk absolútnym esom. S-Works Stumpjumper EVO – tešte sa na jazdu!
Rám S-Works Stumpjumper EVO je ideálnym čistým plátnom na vytvorenie vašej dokonalej jazdy. Zostavte si svoj bicykel snov, premeňte ho na skutočnosť a nasadnite naň!
Čo získate, keď skombinujete 29-palcové predné koleso s 27,5-palcovým zadným kolesom? Rámovú sadu Stumpjumper EVO S-Works. So všetkými výhodami trakcie a ovládania 29", ale so zadným kolesom, ktoré sa uvoľní oveľa ľahšie, sa toto nastavenie v štýle mullet hodí k hravejšiemu štýlu, ktorý je doma v bikeparku a zároveň si hravo poradí aj s trailom.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
Všetky zdvihy na svete sú zbytočné bez poriadnej kinematiky. Pri novom dizajne Stumpjumper EVO sme sa preto sústredili na dokonalé odpruženie. Vďaka poznatkom získaných pri vývoji Endura a viac ako 1 000 hodinám vývoja v laboratóriu aj v teréne, sme výrazne zlepšili výkon šliapania. Zároveň sme pracovali na tom, aby ste z bicykla mali ten pocit živosti, efektivity a neobmedzených možností, po akom ste tak túžili. Zvýšili sme anti-squat, takže odpruženie lepšie odoláva silám šliapania, a ďalej sme zlepšili výkon pri ostrých nárazoch. Záver? Tento stroj drví traily, nie nohy.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
Geometria S-Sizing nového Stumpjumper EVO je zatiaľ naša najprogresívnejšia. Dlhá, nízka, položená vidlica s malým offsetom, strmší uhol sedlovky - to sú požiadavky pre ešte lepšiu jazdu. Dokonalá geometria sa však u rôznych jazdcov líši, preto je geo nového Stumpjumperu EVO plne nastaviteľné so šiestimi rôznymi nastaveniami. Nielen, že ste schopní nastaviť výšku stredu o 10 mm, ale môžete tiež nastaviť hlavovú rúrku o dva stupne.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
Rámy Rider-First Engineered™ používají k zaisteniu jazdných charakteristík prístup založený na veľkosti, ktorý zaisťuje, že každý rám bude bezchybne fungovať. Či už ste mladý skokan na S1, alebo potrebujete dlhý rám S6, zažijete rovnaké jazdné vlastnosti – ostré zákruty a vyváženú tuhosť vpredu aj vzadu – to všetko pri najnižšej možnej hmotnosti.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Keď sme v roku 2016 predstavili SWAT™ door na modeli Stumpjumper, uvoľnili sme priestor vo vašich vreckách a pridali sme priestor pre veci typu pumpička, náhradné duše, a pod. Vďaka tomu už nepotrebujete vrecká na drese.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
FACT 11m carbon chassis and rear-end, asymmetrical design, 29/27.5 Trail Geometry, SWAT™ Door integration, head tube angle adjustment, horst pivot BB adjustment, threaded BB, fully enclosed internal cable routing, 12x148mm dropouts, sealed cartridge bearing pivots, replaceable derailleur hanger, 150mm of travel
Sedlová objímka
Alloy, 38.6mm
Zadný tlmič
FOX FLOAT X2 Factory, Rx Trail Tune, 2-position open/firm lever, HSC, LSC, HSR, and LSR adjustment, S1:210x50mm, S2-S6:210x55mm
3.32kg (7 lb, 5.1 oz)
Hmotnosť vo veľkosti
*Hmotnosti sú založené na výrobe natretých rámov, ako je zobrazené na obrázku. Skutočné hmotnosti sa budú líšiť v závislosti na farebnom prevedení, veľkosti rámu a variácii komponentov. Špecifikácie sa môžu zmeniť bez predchádzajúceho upozornenia.
S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | |
Seatpost Length | 0mm | |||||
Headtube Angle | 64.5° | 64.5° | 64.5° | 64.5° | 64.5° | 64.5° |
Front Center | 732mm | 756mm | 780mm | 809mm | 838mm | 873mm |
Reach | 408mm | 428mm | 448mm | 475mm | 498mm | 528mm |
BB Height | 335mm | 340mm | 340mm | 340mm | 340mm | 340mm |
Chainstay Length | 436mm | 436mm | 436mm | 436mm | 446mm | 446mm |
Trail | 131mm | 131mm | 131mm | 131mm | 131mm | 131mm |
Wheelbase | 1165mm | 1189mm | 1214mm | 1245mm | 1283mm | 1317mm |
BB Drop | 40mm | 35mm | 35mm | 35mm | 35mm | 35mm |
Bike Standover Height | 733mm | 764mm | 763mm | 762mm | 767mm | 770mm |
Seat Tube Angle | 78° | 77.6° | 77.2° | 76.9° | 77° | 77° |
Fork Rake/Offset | 44mm | 44mm | 44mm | 44mm | 44mm | 44mm |
Top-tube Length (horizontal) | 538mm | 564mm | 590mm | 623mm | 647mm | 679mm |
Max Seatpost Insertion | 180mm | 180mm | 200mm | 220mm | 240mm | 260mm |
Min Seatpost Insertion | 80mm | 80mm | 80mm | 80mm | 80mm | 80mm |
Headtube Length | 95mm | 95mm | 105mm | 115mm | 125mm | 135mm |
Fork Length (full) | 561mm | 571mm | 571mm | 571mm | 571mm | 571mm |
Stack | 613mm | 617mm | 626mm | 635mm | 644mm | 654mm |
Seat Tube Length | 385mm | 385mm | 405mm | 425mm | 445mm | 465mm |
Bezpečnostné upozornenia nájdeš v sekcii manuály na stiahnutie na tejto stránke.
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