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    Chamonix 3

    70,00 €

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    Introducing the all-new Chamonix 3 helmet—the perfect choice for an all-road, everyday…

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    Prilba Chamonix je odvodená z prémiových modelov S-Works Evade 3 a S-Works Prevail 3 a je vybavená naším 4D chladením obočia, veľkými zadnými výfukovými otvormi a ústnym otvorom pre optimálne prúdenie vzduchu pri akejkoľvek rýchlosti.



    Model Chamonix je navrhnutý pre pohodlie, má mikroregulovateľný ovládač na nastavenie za chodu a systém Headset SX na jednoduché a presné prispôsobenie pre širokú škálu veľkostí hlavy.

    Odnímateľný priezor

    Odnímateľný priezor

    Model Chamonix sa dodáva s ľahko odnímateľným a znovu nasaditeľným štítom. Kšilt sa hodí počas slnečných dní, ale ak to nie je vaša parketa, môžete ho jednoducho odopnúť, aby ste získali bezproblémový vzhľad.

    Hodnotenie 5 hviezdičiek

    Hodnotenie 5 hviezdičiek

    Chamonix získal najvyššie päťhviezdičkové hodnotenie Virginia Tech® Helmet Rating™ od medzinárodne uznávaného Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

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    Introducing the all-new Chamonix 3 helmet—the perfect choice for an all-road, everyday helmet. Featuring design elements pulled from our S-Works helmets, in addition to high-performance comfort and ventilation, the Chamonix is the perfect choice for your road, gravel, or commuting adventures.

    We designed the Chamonix helmet specifically for riders who live a bike-first lifestyle—looking for fun on every ride. Featuring Mips technology, a removable visor, and a sleek design all while earning the highest 5-Star Virginia Tech® Helmet Rating, you’ll both look and feel good on the bike. The Chamonix delivers premier comfort, performance-driven ventilation, and S-Works inspired design language, all in an accessible package.

    Ventilation: Taken directly from our premium S-Works Evade 3 and S-Works Prevail 3, our 4D Brow Cooling leaves a gap between the helmet and forehead, drawing airflow into internal air channels—all so you can feel the rush of air through the helmet at slow speeds, keeping you plenty cool when the going gets hot.

    Personalization: The visor comes in handy for extra sunny days—but if that’s not your thing, easily pop it off for a seamless look.

    Mips: The Chamonix comes equipped with Mips Essential Core—a low-friction layer that allows a sliding motion of 10 to 15mm in all directions. Studies indicate that this reduces some of the rotational forces transmitted to the brain during angled impacts.

    5-Star Virginia Tech® Helmet Rating: The Chamonix earned the highest 5-Star Virginia Tech® Helmet Rating from the internationally renowned Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

    • Headset SX fit system with micro-adjustable dial for easy, secure, and accurate fit.

    • Tri-Fix web splitter for improved comfort and ease of strap adjustments.

    • Mips Essential Core system for added rotational impact management.

    • The Chamonix earned the highest 5-Star Virginia Tech® Helmet Rating from the internationally renowned Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

    • The Chamonix comes with an easy-to-remove - and re-install - visor.

    • 4th Dimension Cooling System optimizes ventilation.

    • Weight: 330g (Medium)

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