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    Den nye S-Works 7

    Eksplosiv Fart, Overlegen Komfort

    Hvad karakteriserer den perfekte cykelsko? Er det stor kraftoverførelse? Uovertruffen komfort? Stilrent design? Det enkle svar er: Ja. Til det hele. Med vores S-Works 7 får du en sko, som ikke går på kompromis med noget som helst.

    En Forbedret Kontakt

    Alt er nyt. Alt er bedre. Stivere, lettere og tættere. Vores S-Works 7 sparer ikke på noget, når det kommer til at få størst mulig udnytte af dit tråd!

    Komfort til 10.000km, Ikke kun 10km

    Nye materiale. Ny konstruktion - og selvfølgelig udviklet med Bodt Geometry. S-Works 7 vil for altid forandre dine forventninger til, hvordan en cykelsko bør være.

    Et Udtryk For Kvalitet

    Det er sjældent, at du forbinder en cykelsko med en luksusoplevelse - indtil nu. Rene linjer, stilrent design, kun udviklet med de bedste materiale og dertil med funktionelle BOA®-spænder.

    Ergonomically Designed, Scientifically Tested

    Body Geometry

    Body Geometry features are a vital link between you and your bike, and you won't find them from anyone else. Every aspect has been ergonomically designed and scientifically tested to boost power, increase efficiency, and to reduce the chance of injury. Comfort like this wasn't an accident, it's science.

    Stiffer And Lighter

    The New Powerline™ Sole

    Did we have to use ply-by-ply carbon engineering developed for Formula One? Probably not. Was an extensive pressure mapping study performed by the same team that brought you Rider-First Engineering a bit overkill? Sure. We're not bashful that this is the most engineering ever put into a cycling shoe's outsole, though. And while it might “just” be an outsole to some, we see it as an extension of you. And you, friend, deserve the lightest and stiffest sole ever made.

    When You're In Love, Lock It Down

    A New PadLock™ Heel

    The first PadLock™ Heel was slip-proof, but this came at the expense of some comfort. Not content, we digested a ton of rider feedback and then took on the challenge of injecting more comfort into the equation without any loss of the efficient power transfer we've all came to love. Our engineers nailed it—extra cookies for them.

    What Are Those?!

    Custom S3 BOA® Dials

    We worked directly with BOA® to create dials like you’ve never seen before. These CNC’d alloy dials not only add panache, but they feature spring clutch internals and one-millimeter micro-adjustments. Durable. Precise. Perfect. And yeah, you won't find them anywhere else.

    Out Of This World

    Dyneema® Mesh

    What happens when you take NASA parachute material use for atmospheric reentry and make some shoes out of it? You get a shoe so awesome all others are in its orbit. Dyneema® Mesh is extremely malleable and adaptive, but it doesn’t stretch when pulled. And in these shoes, it conforms to the contours of your foot for slipper-like comfort without any power loss. Oh yeah, and these are the only cycling shoes to feature this out-of-this-world material.