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    2021 S-Works Aethos Frameset

    5.000,00 €


    4 Bewertungen

    For once, we’re not in it to win. With Aethos, we stopped worrying about winning,…


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    For once, we’re not in it to win. With Aethos, we stopped worrying about winning, or the way things are supposed to be done, and instead chased the greatest expression of ride quality ever made. Well, we did it, and in staying true to keeping that promise, we broke every design, ride, and race rule along the way. And we’re not sorry. Aethos: Break the Rules.

    With this frameset, you have the perfect canvas to create the ride of your life.

    • Der Aethos-Rahmen bildet die perfekte Kombination aus ultimativem Fahrgefühl, geringem Gewicht und unvergleichbarem Stil - von der Beschleunigung in steilen Anstiegen und technischen Abfahrten bis hin zum ganztägigen Komfort selbst auf den längsten Kaffeefahrten - das Aethos trifft immer ins Schwarze. Wir haben Supercomputer-Simulationen verwendet, um auf subtile Weise Rundrohrformen zu verändern. Dadurch wurden ihre Formen in Schlüsselbereichen konischer, um mit einem Minimum an Material enorme Gewinne an Steifigkeit und Balance zu erzielen. Kein unnötiges Material, nur mehr Stabilität und Integrität.

    • The Aethos frame has been designed with the perfect combination of ultimate ride feel, light weight, and style—from accelerating up steep pitches and descending technical descents, to all-day saddle comfort on even the longest coffee rides, the Aethos hits the mark. But how, you ask? By reinventing the traditional road shape found on bikes of the past, we’ve subtly altered these shapes to deliver massive gains in stiffness and balance, all without affecting weight or durability. Pair that with an entirely-new layup and process that we’ve perfected over multiple decades and you have the lightest frame out there (585 grams, S-Works, size 56cm). The Aethos is more than just a new bike, it’s the first of a new breed.

    • Ein federleichter Rahmen ist nutzlos ohne vertrauenserweckende Fahreigenschaften. Deshalb haben wir das Aethos so konstruiert, dass es die perfekte Balance aus Steifigkeit und außergewöhnlicher Fahrqualität bietet. Durch ausgiebige Test konnten wir bahnbrechende Erkenntnisse darüber gewinnen, wie die Kräfte auf Fahrradrahmen wirken. Nur ein paar Meter auf dem Fahrrad, und du wirst feststellen, dass dieses außergewöhnliche Fahrverhalten einen neuen Standard setzt.

    • A featherweight frame is useless without confidence-inspiring ride characteristics, which is why we’ve developed the Aethos to have the perfect balance of front and rear stiffness combined with exceptional ride quality. By studying the flexing and breathing of carbon fiber, we were able to discover groundbreaking findings about how forces flow through frames. Just a few pedal strokes and you’ll realize this sublime ride sets a new standard.

    • Zu sagen, dass "bei diesem Fahrrad alles berücksichtigt wurde", wäre eine Untertreibung. Wir haben Wochen über Wochen damit verbracht, jedes Teil des Puzzles zu überprüfen, neu zu entwerfen und besser zu machen. Aber mit dem Fahrer im Mittelpunkt jedes Handelns, war es unser Ziel, ein Fahrrad zu bauen, das zu deinem Fahrstil passt - nicht umgekehrt.

    • Every detail, from the derailleur hangers to the fork expander plug have been designed with style, weight, and durability in mind—everything in pursuit for the perfect ride.

    Technische Spezifikationen

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    S-Works Aethos FACT 12r Carbon, Rider First Engineered™, Threaded BB, Electronic cable routing only, 12x142mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc



    S-Works FACT Carbon, 12x100mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc



    Roval Alpinist Carbon Seatpost


    Specialized Alloy, 30.0mm, titanium bolt

    *Gewichte basieren auf der Produktion lackierter Rahmen, wie abgebildet. Tatsächliche Gewichte variieren je nach Farbgebung, Rahmengröße und Komponentenvariation. Spezifikationen können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden.


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    Länge Sattelstütze300mm300mm360mm360mm360mm360mm
    Gabellänge (komplett)369mm369mm369mm369mm369mm369mm
    Gabelversatz / Offset47mm47mm44mm44mm44mm44mm
    Mitte Tretlager - Mitte V.-Achse574mm577mm579mm591mm606mm613mm
    Oberrohrlänge, horizontal508mm531mm540mm562mm577mm595mm

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    Weitere Sicherheitshinweise finden sich in den entsprechenden Handbüchern im Downloadbereich auf dieser Seite.

    Bewertungen anderer Rider


    4 Bewertungen


    Avis Aethos

    J’ai fait 3000 km avec ce cadre. Quel bonheur ! Il a changé ma vie de cycliste en renouvelant le plaisir de rouler. Il est confortable, très agile, et il est facile d’obtenir un vélo léger, une libellule. Il faudra juste améliorer le moteur qui l’équipe en ce moment, un peu poussif lol



    …oh yeah - it's light too

    …oh yeah - it's light too. If you follow most the press and the forums and the other things on the interwebs people are talking a lot about the weight and then about the price - in alternating order. This is the most fun and I'd say ""best"" bike I've ever owned and it's not because it's light. The uniqueness is how it feels on the ride: Compliant without being soft — playful but not nervous — elegant but extremely fast. The ride quality is exceptional. The bike is extremely comfortable to ride and the compliance adds traction which makes it an extremely confident descender. You can feel that you have more grip. The crazy things is that the compliance does not make the bike sluggish or soft when accelerating. The opposite: Putting down power almost feels like loading a spring that catapults you forward within milliseconds. I've ridden the bike with different wheel sets and can attribute this behavior clearly to the frame. The handling is quick but not nervous. The Geometry is essentially identical with the tarmac. This is NOT an endurance bike. It wants to go fast! And lastly: The bike is so much fun to ride. It feels light and elegant and quick and playful and is just a joy. …oh yeah - it's light too. All things considered the Tarmac is probably the faster bike (I've ridden the same climb on both bikes) and time and power were < 1% over 20 minutes and the Tarmac is more aero on the flat. But the Aethos is definitely more fun!

    Cycle J.


    Simply Amazing !

    I've blown a ton of cash on bikes, you name it Madone SLR, Colnago, etc...It was nice to come back to a light and quick bike. The compliance is amazing and the ride quality is superb. The Gloss Forest green is darker then whats depicted, but in the light the deep rich metallic colors just shine. I would equate the color to British racing green. Also the bottom bracket...thank god we are moving back to easier standards. This bike checks allot of boxes for me including cool factor.



    Omg best bike everrrrrrr!!!!!!!

    Great on climbs, got some KOMs on descents! Great bike! Best, dare I say???

