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Identify a Problem, Solve It with Design, Validate It with Science

It all started in 1997 when we solved erectile dysfunction issues facing male cyclists with the Body Geometry saddle—the first ergonomically designed, scientifically tested saddle in history.

Since then, we’ve been obsessed with ensuring the contact points where female, male, and non-binary riders become one with their bikes never hurt. If spending 25 years perfecting the connection between bike and body is mad, consider us crazy. There’s a madness to our method.

Pressure Mapping Performance

Wir verwenden Druckmessung, um zu validieren, dass unsere Lösungen einen echten Nutzen bieten und wissenschaftlich gestützt sind. Diese Druckmesswerte zeigen, wie verschiedene Body Geometry Sättel die Probleme der Fahrer lösen – von Weichteildruck bis hin zu Sitzknochenschmerzen, in jeder Fahrposition.