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    Speed of Light Collection

    The Moment Light Leaves, Darkness Returns

    "Darkness, Light, Speed—three elements so intertwined they cannot exist without the other. Nothing in the universe moves faster than light, but before and after is constant darkness. Inspired by this interplay and the futuristic landscapes our riders move through, the Speed of Light collection is equally intertwined—bikes and equipment existing together—to create our most stunning collection ever."

    Win the Collection

    Enter our Speed of Light Collection sweepstakes, and some of the most striking products we’ve ever created could be yours. Beginning Sunday, July 25th and running through Thursday, July 29th, you’ll have four chances to win the bikes, equipment, and apparel from the collection.

    The Core of the Collection

    The story that brings this collection to life—darkness, light, speed—required more than talent and finding the right color pallet. Our design team, working hand-in-hand with our partners, quite literally invented a new black and red chameleon shifting pigment and painting process.

    Darkness and Speed

    Darkness is achieved through a bottomless black, with speed embodied by deep red, a color that represents energy, power, and vitality. Together, they create the Speed of Light’s shimmering, shifting chameleon paint. Inspired by ancient urushi painting techniques of the far east, these bikes and equipment reflect the pigment like a sumptuous lacquer, ever-changing at the speed of light.