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    We are Specialized
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    The True Unsung Heroes of Trail Building

    Specialized Soil Searching is a mission to support trail builders, the unsung heroes of mountain biking. But who is the unsung hero of the trail builder? Two Soil Searching ambassadors in Brazil, Caio Suzarte and Eduardo Arruda, went in search of those heroes and discovered something magical.

    Ever talked to yourself before dropping into a scary trail? Or while packing in the perfect berm?

    What if our bikes and our tools could speak back to us?

    In a world where reality sometimes feels like a bad dream, we end up finding perspective in the most unexpected places - fantasy and fiction.

    If our interaction with the material world was an audible conversation, it would probably look something like Metalheads.

    Caio Suzarte and Eduardo Arruda, Specialized Soil Searching Global Ambassadors, created this film as an homage to the tools that make their jobs possible. But if you’ve seen the film, it’s about a lot more than the tools.

    Specialized Soil Searching is a movement to recognize, celebrate, and support the trail builders who help shape our sport and our stoke.