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    S-Works Evade

    Everyday Aero… Yeah, We Just Made It A Thing

    Countless tunnel hours. Numerous iterations. One goal: Make the fastest road helmet in the world faster and cooler. We wouldn't be here if we didn't do it.

    The Fastest Just Got Faster

    The new Evade was dreamt of, conceived, and born in the Win Tunnel. Why? Because we can’t help ourselves but want to go faster.

    There's More to a Helmet than Speed

    Sweltering has never been cool—too bad aero helmets never got the memo. We pulled out all the stops to cool things off, and now the Evade is as cool as wearing no helmet at all.

    It's Just More Comfortable

    We listened to you, and now the Evade has a shorter, more compact design and all the fit features you know and love. It doesn't feel like the world’s fastest helmet, it just feels good.

    Aero & Thermal Working In Harmony

    It’s Called the Win Tunnel for a Reason

    What’s with all the airflow testing and why does it matter? First off, it created the fastest road helmet we’ve ever tested. It’s not only six seconds faster than the original Evade, on average, but nearly quick as our S-Works TT. And just as importantly, we answered the question, “Why save watts when you’re dying of heat exhaustion?” The new Evade is not only cooler than the original, but it’s proven to be as cool as wearing nothing at all.