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    ‘leov’ing Levo SL in New Zealand

    Meet Justin Leov

    Life moves at a million miles an hour for Justin Leov, much like his days of racing the Downhill World Cup circuit. Justin’s career took off at a young age, making a big splash on the DH scene when he was still just 17 years old. He spent eight years racing around the world at the highest level of downhill before a shift to Enduro racing began another successful chapter in his racing career. But New Zealand and the simple life kept calling.

    Justin decided in 2018 the time was right to hang up his racing number and head home. Which created another opportunity, to truly return to his mountain biking roots and a unique property called Jentree. Jentree was the site of his very first mountain bike race as a kid, and a property he owned for three years, riding every day on his beloved Levo SL.

    The property includes some dauntingly steep hills, so the Levo SL made the climbs a lot more fun. And, when Justin got home from work—nowadays he’s in construction—he cut laps without anyone else having to shuttle him. And what’s more, he could truly have fun on the descents. The Levo SL feels much closer to a Stumpjumper than it does an e-bike, it encourages playful riding, encouragement that only grows with every lap as the bike’s capabilities reveal themselves.

    Jentree needed a bit of work, and the trails had been left for years, but Justin just chipped away at things at his own pace. He took pride in the property, and the Jentree trails were unique. Justin recently sold the Jentree property, and while his adventures there may be over, we can't wait to see what's next. The one thing we do know is it’s going to involve supporting the next generation of Kiwi trail riders on his trusty Levo SL.

    To learn more about Justin and see more photos of his life at Jentree, racing career, and his love of Levo SL, head to our RIDE App.