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    Thank You, Mom

    Worth It

    You raise our standards, our expectations, our hopes, and our spirits. From you, we learn to raise hell, the bar, and our voices. We are the artists and builders, the dreamers and realists, the seekers and champions—the very people we become—because of you. You may not feel heroic, but we think you’re super, Mom.

    For many of us, Mom was right there when we first took those hesitant wobbles on our bicycles. Sometimes it was her calm hand on our small backs, guiding us down the driveway. At other times, it was magically appearing at our side to soothe our nerves or kissing skinned elbows when we fell. Moms are our role models and superheroes. Throughout our lives, they instill in us a love for independence and life on two wheels, while also helping to teach us why its worth taking on new challenges and finding new limits—qualities we pass on to our own children. We made this video as a little token of appreciation to share on Mother’s Day, but we don’t believe it should be limited to just one day. Every day should be Mother’s Day—so for all the Moms out there, this is for you.