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Specialized Soil Searching

A Dirt Revolution

Trail builders are the unsung heroes of mountain biking. We are changing that. Specialized Soil Searching is a movement to recognize, celebrate, and support the trail builders who help shape our sport and our stoke.

These Tires Build Trails

Specialized Soil Searching Tires

What’s mountain biking without trails? We created Specialized Soil Searching to fuel and support the energy and passion of the trail building community. By employing trail builders, hosting dig days, spearheading fundraisers, and telling their stories, we’re creating a community to further the development and maintenance of trail systems that are the lifeblood of our sport. And with our new limited-edition Soil Searching tires we’ve created yet another to way support this critical trail work.

Pedal The Planet Forward

Since 2018, Specialized Soil Searching has provided financial, organizational, and outreach support for trail systems around the world. We focus on three essential and interdependent aspects of trail work—ambassadors, dig days, and fundraisers—to assist communities in maintaining and growing their trail networks. Trail advocacy is the right thing to do for the sport, supporting not just bike riding, but creating sustainable, multi use trails as well.

By the Numbers

In 2019 and 2020 Specialized Soil Searching Supported: