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Demo Race


Demo Race

All-out speed has always been the Demo’s target, and with the Demo Race it’s no different. Introducing a new flexible wheel-size frame design that allows riders to take advantage of a 29-inch front wheel and a 27.5-inch rear wheel, it’s a special blend that’s long been tested by World Champ Loic Bruni looking for the perfect balance of traction and maneuverability, but only just green-lighted by the UCI this past year. Not that it stopped the Demo Race from racking up both the Downhill World Championship and overall World Cup titles in it’s very first season...

Now, we’re offering that same winning combination straight out of the box, while an adjustable rear end that still allows you to change between 27.5 and 29-inch wheel sizes based on terrain and riding style while also adjusting for proper chainstay length and bottom-bracket height.

Blazing fast on tough tracks, the Demo Race suspension design has been developed around a more rearward axle path that reduces rear wheel hang-up, increasing speed instead.

Top-shelf suspension from Ohlins takes advantage of the most proven suspension kinematics on the World Cup circuit and SRAM’s DH-specific XO1 drivetrain has you covered from start gate to finish line.


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Largo de biela165mm165mm165mm
Ancho de manubrio800mm800mm800mm
Largo de avance50mm50mm50mm
Saddle Width130mm130mm130mm
Largo de poste de asiento367mm367mm367mm
Stack (29 mid)629mm629mm629mm
Stack (27.5 mid)635mm635mm635mm
Reach (29 mid)430mm450mm470mm
Reach (27.5 mid)423mm443mm463mm
Largo de tubo de dirección105mm105mm105mm
Ángulo de tubo de dirección62.8°62.8°62.8°
Head-Tube Angle (29 mid)63.2°63.2°63.2°
Head-Tube Angle (27.5 mid)62.5°62.5°62.5°
B-B Height350mm350mm350mm
B-B Height (29 mid)355mm355mm355mm
B-B Height (27.5 mid)345mm345mm345mm
Caída de caja pedalera25mm25mm25mm
Trail (29 mid)127mm127mm127mm
Trail (27.5 mid)132mm132mm132mm
Fork Rake/Offset56mm56mm56mm
Front-Center (29 mid)801mm821mm841mm
Front-Center (27.5 mid)801mm821mm841mm
Chain-Stay Length (29)448mm448mm448mm
Chain-Stay Length (27.5)438mm438mm438mm
Chain-Stay Length (mid)443mm443mm443mm
Wheelbase (27.5)1239mm1259mm1279mm
Wheelbase (29)1249mm1269mm1289mm
Wheelbase (mid)1244mm1264mm1284mm
Seat-Tube Length394mm420mm420mm
Ángulo de tubo de asiento78.2°76.8°76.8°
Seat-Tube Angle (29 mid)78.5°77.1°77.1°
Seat-Tube Angle (27.5 mid)77.8°76.4°76.4°

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Pues la verdad es una bicicleta muy chula yo la utilizo para dow hill y es una chulada uff pero el precio ostia un riñón tío pero muy buena la bicicleta

