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‘every Act of Creation Begins with an Act of Destruction’

Sagan Collection: Deconstructivism

Destruction is the yin to creation’s yang. Victory demands destruction of your rival’s hopes and dreams, but it begins with the destruction of your own limits. No one understands this better than Peter Sagan–cycling’s ultimate deconstructivist. So, we’ve taken the rainbow, a symbol that once defined the 3X World Champ, and smashed it to create a truly new collection.

Green Becomes Yellow

A two-tone chameleon, shifting from green to yellow against the stark contrast of matte black, reminding all that you’ve come to race on the Tarmac SL7, the fastest bike in the world. You’ll need to outrun everything, except the shifting colors, to get one of these 300 Limited Edition bikes.

"“The green and yellow first challenges you, and then you realize, this is badass.”"

Kayla Clarot, Principle Concept Designer