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Men's Altered-Edition Trail Long Sleeve Jersey

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Finding the perfect trail jersey is often a struggle, but with our new Trail Jerseys we believe we've hit the mark. The secret sauce comes from the new MiniR® fabric that reflects the sun, to help keep you cool—yet is plenty tough for the rigors and abuse that comes with trail riding. Not stopping there, we employed a casual style so you'll feel right at home on the mountain and then grabbing some grub on the way home, and with a new Altered Print, the marbled tie-dye pattern brings some style to any occasion.

Rider Reviews

  • 4.7
  • 3 Reviews

Fantastic material and great fit

Fantastic material and great fit

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Verified Buyer


Joseph M.


Super comfy

This jersey is regulates temp well. I've worn it on hot days and cold days and it kinda works for both. Fabric very light, feels soft as, and breathes well. It's a little pricey, but I got mine on sale and was very happy with it.

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Verified Buyer


Shannon M.
