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HyprViz Soft Air Reflective Tall Socks

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The HyprViz Soft Air Reflective Tall socks provide the perfect hit of color and reflectivity in order to keep you visible to motorists at any time of the day or night. We take our Road Tall socks' super soft and compressive construction and add reflective yarns to the top edge. This part is made up of millions of glass beads that receive and reflect light back to the source, so this reflective band gives you an active, moving element to make yourself more visible to drivers.

Rider Reviews

  • 4
  • 3 Reviews

Bright but falling apart

I’ve only worn these twice and they are already starting to fray apart where the two different fabric materials meet around the ball of the foot. They are nice and bright as advertised, but the quality is low. Specialized gear usually functions well and I was expecting more, especially given the price tag.



Good quality. High visibility. Fits

Good quality. High visibility. Fits correctly.

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